• Image of The Lavender Knight
  • Image of The Lavender Knight
  • Image of The Lavender Knight
  • Image of The Lavender Knight
  • Image of The Lavender Knight

If you are looking for the Lavender Knight you would most likely find them in their cottage garden, hands in the earth, tending their herbs and flowers. Even if you catch them in town the telltale signs of their earthly duties can be spotted in the dirt under their fingernails, a smudge of earth on their cheek, or a stray bit of greenery snagged in their hair. Their house is surrounded entirely by lush lavender bushes, as their name implies, and the scent of these carry on the wind whenever they come and go. Their home is something of a sanctuary for whoever is draw there, and in recent years other people inspired by this Knight have taken up their mantle to spread their calming, accepting presence throughout the land. You can find such partners by the lavender bushes planted on either side of their threshold.

The Lavender Knight wears a thin sabre with a twisted purple hilt, accented in silver and gold. The sword and garland are handmade from purple, pale green and clear glass, which has been heated to an enamel finish.

One available.

Measurements (of sword with garland attached)
Height: 21.5”
Width (at widest point): 4.5”

The Knights of Summer will be available on Wednesday September 4th at 6pm EST. Each one of a kind stained glass sword is decorated with a garland of the knight’s flora or fruit, and can be removed from the sword to be displayed as a separate hanging.

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